Sara & Carl's Wedding
December 6, 2007
Miami, Florida

Jory took the first two photos, then switched to Sara's camera
so this is all I have of the ceremony and it's pretty damn blurry.
Jory did his best!
Introducing Mr & Mrs J!

Siblings of the Bride and Groom

The church was decorated for the holidays, but
I never caught on to what the clocks represented.

The pastor was shocked when he found out S and C live in Ogden,
because he's from Ogden! He was a pretty funny guy.

Hey Sexy!

No Press!

Sara's mom and brother Josh

Wedding Flipflops

Parents of the Bride

Hey Brother!

Memorial candle for Carl's mother Margaret

Sara Gene Simmons?
They should use this one for their holiday cards!

Funny Faces

Making it official

The next two photos I'm posting unedited only because I thought it was really interesting that in the photos they were told to look up at the light (in the ceiling) I captured flashes or orbs. This first one has one "orb" that Sara seems to be looking right at, I'd like to think this is her maternal grandfather.

This photo clearly has three orbs, I'd like to think the one Carl is looking right at, is his mother. The one above Carl's head is Sara's grandfather and the one in front, on the left is Jack.

Damn, they're cute!

Sporting a Beautiful poncho for her Cree family

This was taken minutes before Sara dumped the candle wax down Carl's tux!

Native Beauty

Sara's mom and Alex, Carl's Bestman and Friend!
We LOVE Alex!

Brother has a new Brother
"Drink Brother"

Carl's cousin Ingrid & Jeff's daughter

Cutest Damn Kid ever!

Time to throw the garter!

Carl was very nervous

Take one

Ingrid's daughter caught it

Take two

Josh and Alex
The only single guys in the house

Alex gets the garter!

Handing out wedding favors, coffee.

Eyes closed everyone

Cutie pants showing Alex her coffee ;)

Jeff, Jory & Josh
Drinking all the champagne

The Wedding Dance


So in Love

Supposed to be Daddy Daughter Dance,
but there were "too many cooks in the kitchen".

Swapping it up

Don't take this look seriously, Alex was having the Time Of His Life!

And They Live Happily Ever After